More than touch: Training in Psychic Massage Level 1

A Psychic Massage reconnects you with that part of yourself that lies beyond all problems and conflicts. It supports a state of resting within yourself, where you feel relaxed and you don't wish to change anything because the moment is full and complete.
In this group, you become aware of those places in yourself which already say "yes" to life. Instead of focusing on problematic parts and trying to change them, Psychic Massage focuses on building your health, building your love, so that this atmosphere gently invites a relaxation in the whole of the body/mind.
You start to trust more and more, so that even when problems surface, your trust and self-confidence remain undisturbed.
Psychic Massage is a meeting of two beings in meditation. And this meeting enriches you and fills you with contentment.

Level 1:

During this first part you can learn:
- to give a massage from the space of resting in yourself, which creates an energyfield of love and awareness
- massaging effortlessly without intentions to change the other
- reading the resonant areas of your partner
- planning your massage according to this reading