17. 09. 2022



Then breath my love out to the world Then see the swirling miracles that unfold through you 

Daylight dances with
sunlight everywhere
The wind whispers
sweetly in your ear
It tells you I am 
always near you 
Never farther than
the air you breathe
It’s me you’re actually
breathing in 
Hold your breath just
to feel me flood your
being with my love
Then breath my love
out to the world
Then see the swirling
miracles that unfold
through you 
Now breath me in again
even deeper this time
Hold me deep within
your Heart of Hearts
Now feel my bliss in every
single cell in your being
This is me within you
I’ve never left you 
I never will
Just breathe me in
Just breathe me out 
Just simply breathe
I am your very life
And you are mine
Breathe and Dance,
filled with the love
of the Beloved One

~ Rumi

We are offering here in Shangri La a Breath training.

Breath of Existence