
My life has been very generous to me, I passed through various works (science, pharmacy, teaching, work with dependant people), it has led me to various journeys (Europe, America, Asia), and it has given me meetings with beutiful people and with various spiritual traditions.

One of my joys in life is dance, which has opened a space for me, which I later also met in meditations. (Most favorite dance styles: free, african, indian, oriental.) In Poona, India, in Osho Meditation Resort I found a confirmation that life celebration with dance, freedom, meditation is a joyous way for me. (Here I accepted the name Sananda – joyful, blissful.)

I did various groups and trainings (family constellations with Bhagat, Ericksonian Hypnosis and NLP with Bhagat, tantra, trauma therapy). I assist in the fifth year of bodytherapy with Eli Weidenfeld.

Now I work and live in Shangri La Osho Meditation Center, I am organising, translating, dancing, cooking, gardening and building a round house.