19. 09. 2024

Relaxing Breath - Bhramari Breath


Breath technique which helps to relax, release tension and sleep better. It is an ancient yogi technique called Bhramari Breath - which means the Breath of a Bee (or Bumblebee).

It is very simple and you can practice it in bed just before falling asleep or anytime during the day, if you feel overwhelmed and you have a little private space for few minutes for yourself.

The inbreathe is through the nose and out breath is with mouth shut and with a humming sound. It helps to have the tip of the tongue up just behind your teeth and to have relaxed chaw and shoulders. Long deep breath in through the nose and long breath out with the humming sound.

If you want, you can also gently place your hand on your eyelids and thumbs in your ears. Symbolically blocking all the output from the world around.

You can take few breaths or anything between 3 to 5 min.

Enjoy the relaxation, slowing of the heartbeat, deepening of your breath. The nervous system can go from action into relaxation.

Another great breath technique for calming ourselves especially when one faces anxiety is the 3-7-8 Breath.
4-7-8 Breath..